5 Ways To Remove Graphite With Carpet Steam Cleaning

Whenever you get a notice that you have graphite stains on your carpet, you should leave all the things aside and start doing carpet steam cleaning to remove the stains. Either it will become a permanent stain, nothing can be more irritating than dealing with graphite stain. But, things can be tackled if you do carpet steam cleaning immediately prior. For removing the stain blot the stain with a dry white cloth or you can also use paper towels. Gently lift the semi-solid particles from the carpet with the use of a rounded spoon. After removing the solid, vacuum the area.

Before doing carpet steam cleaning to remove the graphite, pre-treat it using spot cleaner. Make sure to test the spot cleaner on the smaller part of your carpet to know whether it has any side effects or not. In this article, we are going to discuss 5 ways to remove graphite with carpet steam cleaning.

  1. Detergent solution: To remove graphite from your carpet with the help of carpet steam cleaning, you can use any commercial detergent solution or you can also make your own. Don’t worry, making the detergent solution may sound scientific to you but it is not. For making the detergent solution mix half teaspoon of dishwashing detergent with one cup of mild hot water. Keep in mind you should not use solutions at stronger concentration. After carpet steam cleaning rinse the detergent solution properly so that it won’t leave any residue behind.
  1. Warm water: For removing the graphite from your carpet, you should always use warm water. The hot water will help to remove the stain as well as rinse out the detergent you will use for carpet steam cleaning. If the detergent is not rinsed out properly, then, after cleaning it will attract more soil than usual.
  1. Spot cleaner: For removing the graphite from the carpet you can also use spot cleaners. Spot carpet cleaners Lockleys are one of the best ways to get rid of graphite or all other kinds of stains. Applying a little amount of spot cleaner will work efficiently, gently blot the area, avoid rubbing and after blotting let it sit for a while, then, rinse it out with the help of carpet steam cleaning. 
  1. Salt paste: Well, graphite stains are tough to tackle and we agree with it. But, you can use salt paste for removing it. All you have to do is make a thin paste of salt mixing it with water. After that just apply it to the stained area and leave it for at least 10 to 15 minutes. Then, blot the stain and you will see results.
  1. Hydrogen peroxide: One of the best ways to get rid of graphite from your carpet is using hydrogen peroxide. It easily removes the stains and makes your carpet flawless like a new one.


Subsequently, this article has concluded the 5 ways to remove graphite with the help of the best carpet cleaning services.